Making Personal Vows Relevant

Making personal vows relevant is a great way to make them significant and memorable. Many couples want to write their own vows but can struggle to choose what to include in them. Including references to your life experiences connects you not only to your partner, but also with the family and friends witnessing your ceremony.

In 2020 the COVID pandemic is having an impact on all of us, and this recent article shows how some people might have modified thier own wedding vows if they had married in the time of COVID-19. Some of the vows speak to the general impacts we’ve all seen like shortages of toilet paper. Some are more specific to the couple, like references to Zoom meetings for work or personality traits that became obvious when quarantined together.

Even if you don’t want to use quarantine experiences in your vows, you can use the concept when making personal vows relevant for your wedding. For example, you can reference the little rituals and traditions you’ve established as a couple, or reminisce about funny experiences you’ve shared. Letting your personalities shine, and sharing specific moments from your time together will bring a smile, a laugh, or maybe a tear from your partner. Making personal vows relevant and significant as you make your promises to each other during your wedding ceremony will ensure the moment is memorable for you and your guests.