Daily Archives: April 11, 2017

Make Time For Each Other

Wedding planning is in full swing for couples with 2017 wedding dates. Whether you’re days or months from your big day, I encourage you to make time to spend with each other. Make plans for a coffee date, take in a movie, or just go for a walk together. Talk about anything you want to… except the wedding.

It’s easy to get so caught up in the myriad details surrounding your wedding that you forget to invest time and energy in the your significant other. It is because of this special person and the love you’ve found together that you’re planning a wedding in the first place. With engagements lasting a year or more these days, if you aren’t careful you can find yourselves both drifting away from each other and forgetting to nurture your relationship. Even though your wedding day will undoubtedly be an important and memorable day for the two of you, it is still only a day.

Staying connected to each other, investing your mental and physical energy into growing your relationship can reap great rewards. You and your partner will feel less resentful of the time it takes to plan your wedding, will be able to share tasks better, and will communicate better when you do discuss the big day. You’ll also find it a refreshing break from the stress that can accompany planning a wedding when you call a halt for a day or even a few hours and think about other things, enjoy the world going on around you, or just gaze into each others eyes and remember what you love about each other.

This advice goes for your actual wedding day, too. While there will be many things and people vying for your attention throughout the day, make time to check in with your new husband or wife. Enjoy your day together. Savor each part of the day together, and remember to embrace, look into each others eyes, and look out at all the activities going on around you… together.