garter toss

Leaving Tradition Behind – Making Your Wedding Day Fit You

Leaving tradition behind on your wedding day allows you to plan a day that fits you as individuals and a couple. While traditions are wonderful… if they are meaningful for you and consistent with who you are, they can also cause stress and get in the way. Couples are choosing to keep those traditions they appreciate and letting go of those they don’t.

There are many wedding traditions you’ll want to thoughtfully consider before including them in your wedding day. I’ve written before about traditions related specifically to the ceremony, and you can find my thoughts on new options for wedding parties and modifying traditions when a parent is not at your wedding. There are, however, wedding traditions outside the actual ceremony that you will also want to evaluate.

For many practical reasons some couples are choosing to see each other for the first time before their ceremony. If you’re willing to break this tradition you can have a private “first look” moment and savor the beginning of your day together (and have it captured by your photographer, too). If you go this route wedding party and family pictures can also be taken before the ceremony, giving you more time to celebrate with your guests afterward.

Wedding receptions offer lots of traditions that are feeling more outdated with each passing year. The garter and bouquet toss rituals can be awkward for you and your guests, and can easily be left out of your reception schedule. The entire dance aspect of your reception can be replaced with a professional performance that fits your hobbies, culture, or wedding theme. A variety of games and activities can be offered for guests who choose to participate. And simply leaving time for conversation for the family and friends who may not often see each other can be very much appreciated.

You’ll find more tips from brides regarding things you do and do not need to do at your wedding here. You’re likely to have more fun and less stress if you remove or change traditions that you’re uncomfortable with. Leaving tradition behind when it doesn’t fit your personality or style is one more way to create a unique wedding day that truly reflects who you are.